Thursday, October 05, 2006

God is Good

I can never get over how absolutely great having a relationship with Jesus Christ really is. He sees me, knows me, and is always right there with the right word and help for whatever situation I am in.

I haven't always known this. I was raised in a Baptist church, and 'accepted Christ' at the age of 7. I thought at the time that I was doing what I needed to to become a Christian. In the succeeding years, I studied my Bible, went to church every time the door opened, did all the 'Christian' young people things. Never found quite what I thought religion was supposed to be. I was always fearful, fretful, and worried about what other people thought---did I fit into the 'Christian' mold. Living to please others is a dead end road.

And eventually I found the dead end. I became cynical, and then finally disgusted at the church life around me. Folks just don't like to do what they say they do. Deacons divorce, church members get arrested, church business meetings turn into arguements with folks just all wanting their own way and pretending to be holier than each other---this is what stood out to me, and just flat turned me off. I saw the same things in my own family, which just made it worse. I just walked away--from God, religion, family, everything.

Then, I guess you could say God found me. I spent so much time looking for Him in other people, and then gave up when I couldn't find what I was looking for---but God wasn't what I had really been looking for, I was trying to justify myself. I wanted other folks to like and accept me...I wanted to be perfect, and became more and more judgmental of others because they weren't. I was so all about ME.

And then, He was there. I don't know how else to explain it. I knew His love, His forgiveness and -- most of all I think -- His mercy. I began to know and follow His leading, His voice. Jesus showed me His reality...that He was really there. He hears me and speaks to me. Jesus loves me...I'm still floored by how real he has made this to me.

God is not a teaching, a philosophy, a system or a happy thought. He is a person.

And the Bible is true. I don't just believe it...I know it, because I know the Author.

Wow, God is really God. And He is good.


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