Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Reality Check

You know, we are lacking something in our zealousness for Christ.

Jesus Christ is a real person.

Before you say..."Duh"..think about this....

If we are bickering in our churches or denominations over who's the boss, are we acting as though we know Jesus is alive? (Who's in charge, after all, if not the King?)

If we quarrel over interpretations of scripture, are we acting as though Jesus is in our midst? (Why not just ask Him, didn't He write it?)

If our opinion is so exalted that we must put down others who don't agree with us by the use of personal assaults, judgmentalism, and harsh criticism...where is our fear of being wrong? Don't we fear the King, who said..."Judge not that ye be not judged" and "Vengence is Mine, I will repay"?

We are forgetting one simple fact....

Jesus did not come to us to take sides...but to take charge.

We will be fruitful to the point that we let Him have charge over us. The Lord will speak to those who will listen, He will lead those who will follow, and He will reject those who place themselves on the throne of their own lives-rejecting His leadership. He lives and rules and reigns. He is in charge.

Do you think that He will be slow in punishing those who abuse their brother? Do you think He was bluffing when He said that it would be better for us to have a millstone tied around our neck and be cast into the sea than for us to do harm to the least of His little ones? If you truly fear God, how can you deliberately try to hurt, offend, or degradate the lowest of His children. You are acting as though Jesus does not exist.

Jesus is alive! He is a Person you can know, speak to and hear from. And we need to start doing just that...praying and listening. He said "Be still and know that I am God." Stop your fussing. He is in charge, all things are in His hands. He will not let you fall, just trust in Him. The Holy Spirit does not panic, nor does He need us to fight His battles for Him. He wants us to confess the battle is His and look to Him for the victory. Have faith in God.

After all, He does exist, is exactly Who He says He is, and will do exactly what He says He will do.

Why is that so hard to put into practice?


Blogger Alycelee said...

I appreciate your comments on my blog, it gave me a chance to come here and read this post.
I certainly agree with what you are saying here.
In light of what seems to be endless bickering on things that do not matter in the kingdom of God it sometimes seems so unsettling to me, that we just may be missing the boat.
Thanks for the reminder and thanks also for your encouragement earlier.

8:33 AM  

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