Sunday, August 20, 2006

Personal Responsibility

There's something about sin that we've forgotten about.

It's our fault.

To make this sins are my fault. I have the responsibility for them. I did it. Yo, me.

Nobody made me do it. I made a deliberate choice to disobey God. I can squeal all I want about its genetics, my upbringing, circumstances, etc. But its still my fault. It may be defensible, understandable, so on and so forth...but sin is still wrong. And its still my responsibility. My fault.

I have a hard time with responsibility. I don't like to be wrong. It makes me look bad, feel bad. I want to be the hero, flawless in every way. I want to be able to say that God is proud of me. When people find fault in me, I want to defend myself, find faults in them. After all they are only saying what they are saying because they are jealous that they can't be as right and as good as me. I can't be wrong.

Oh, yes, I can be. You see, my sin is my fault.

I go to Calvary and look up at the Cross. Hard, rough, blood stained. I lean against it in grief. The cost of my sin. Can I defend myself now? I think of how I have run my mouth, blamed others. More sin on top of sin. I feel the warm, sticky blood run down on my hand. Blood shed for me. I as much as killed Him.

He made me. He loved me. He died for my sin.

Because it was my fault.


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